Areas of research in FSBI TISNCM

R&D and experimental design works in the area of novel superhard and carbon materials. Priority directions:

  • Exploratory and applied research aimed at developing novel superhard and carbon materials.
  • Exploratory and applied research in creating bulk nanostructured materials based on the nanocarbon materials such as fullerenes, nanotubes, nanofibers, etc. Basic research using high temperatures and high pressures.
  • Development and implementation of the high-pressure and high-temperature methods and technologies.
  • Developing the synthesis methods for diamond single crystals having no natural analogues (high purity, doped, semiconductor, multilayer), and the study of their characteristics.
  • Development of the new types of devices to create high and ultrahigh pressures.
  • High-pressure and high-temperature synthesis methods to create novel superhard materials, including the fullerene-based materials.
  • Producing the carbon and carbon-nitrogen nanomaterials: nanotubes, nanofibers, nanoclusters, etc.
  • Exploratory and applied research in high and ultra-high pressures and temperatures.
  • Developing and manufacturing the products, devices and equipment using the new carbon materials, superhard materials, and nanomaterials.
  • Design and construction of the special-purpose scanning probe microscopes.



Topics of R&D and experimental works in FSBI TISNCM are determined by the following regulations:

The policy of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for the period up to 2010 and beyond, approved by the President of the Russian Federation, on March 30, 2002 № Pr-576;

Priorities for Science, Technology and Engineering of the Russian Federation, approved by the President of the Russian Federation, on March 30, 2002 № Pr-577;

A list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation, approved by the President of the Russian Federation, on March 30, 2002 № Pr-578;
Enactment on the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on June 16, 2004 № 281;

The Federal Target Scientific and Technical Program “Research and development on priority directions of science and technology” in 2002 - 2006, as approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on August 21, 2001, № 605, as amended, approved by the Government Resolution from November 14, 2002, № 825, and from October 12, 2004 № 540;

A concept of the federal target program on the Scientific and Technological Base of Russia for 2007-2012;

A strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation up to 2020;

The Charter of the Institute;

A Government order for FSBI TISNCM approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.


The main FSBI TISNCM aims as stated in the Charter:

Conducting research in the physics and chemistry of solids, including carbon and carbon compounds, in order to use the research findings to develop new technologies for creating super-hard, nanostructured, and novel carbon materials.

The implementation of government programs and promising innovation projects in research, development, implementation and effective use of superhard and novel carbon materials, natural and synthetic diamonds, boron nitride, superhard fullerite forms, nanostructured materials, rare and precious metals, and related tools.

Preparation, publication, and promotion of the information materials and case reviews.

Designing the rules and test methods for the superhard and novel carbon materials, and quality requirements for these materials.

Certification of superhard and novel carbon materials upon the applicable standards, specifications, requirements of other regulatory documents.

Formation of proposals for research and development work in nanotechnology, nanomaterials, carbon nanotubes, fullerenes, poly- and single crystals of synthetic and natural diamond, cubic boron nitride, semiconductor and high-purity synthetic diamonds, and other similar areas and their implementation for use in the framework of federal target programs, the fundamental and exploratory research interdepartmental and other scientific, technical programs and projects.

Creation and maintenance of the scientific, technical and production base for experimental studies of the properties of natural and synthetic diamonds, rare and precious metals, and other emerging super-hard and new nanostructured carbon materials and tools based on them, and their experimental production.

Involvement in the commercialization the intellectual property created at the expense of the federal budget for new materials.

The introduction of technologies developed on the own technical basis and in the enterprises of the Russian Federation and other countries.

Implementation of the international scientific and economic cooperation, joint projects with foreign partners to develop the technologies for superhard, nanostructured, and new carbon materials and tools based on them.

Organization and carrying out the scientific and technical exhibitions, presentations of various projects, conferences and seminars, in Russia and abroad.

Editorial activity to publish the scientific, technical, methodical and informational literature in the field of the Institute research interests.