Federal State Budgetary Institution
"Technological Institute for Superhard
and Novel Carbon Materials"
7a Tsentralnaya street, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia, 108840
Phone: |
(499) 400 62 25 (499) 272 23 14 (499) 272 23 15 |
(495) 851 08 55 (495) 851 05 63 (495) 851 12 34 (495) 851 24 80 (495) 851 13 97 |
Fax: (499) 400 62 60
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How to get
From Moscow:
From the Teply Stan metro station take a 398 Bus to the Apteka stop (Central Street 7).
By car: Profsoyuznaya street, next follow the Kaluzhskoe shosse road, at the 40th km (at McDonald’s) turn to the right at the traffic light, go 300 meters, and turn to the left at the intersection, then go 10m straight.